What is the output of the given statement in LISP?
* (setf abc ‘(a b c) xyz ‘(x y z))
* abc
a) A
b) B
c) ABC
What is the process of arranging procedures into layers? a) Procedure b) Abstraction c) Abstraction layers d) Procedure abstraction
Explain what is LISP? Give an example of some of the popular applications built in LISP?
What is the output of the given statement? * (defun when-plusp-with-bug (number result); (when (plusp number) result)); * (setf pressure -2) * (when-plusp-with-bug pressure (print ‘alarm)) a) Alarm b) Nil c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned
What is the difference between the appearance of macro and ordinary definition in LISP? a) Argument list b) Reture value c) Just the defining keyword d) None of the mentioned
Which primitive removes all but the last element from the list? a) Last b) First c) Remove d) Revoke
Explain what is the importance of the hash table in LISP?
Which checks the evaluated key form against the unevaluated keys using EQL? a) COND b) CASE c) NIL d) SETF
What is the value of last consequent form in the triggered clause? a) Value of the entire COND b) Trigger c) Consequent d) All of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement? * (defstruct person (sex nil) (personality ‘nice)) * (setf person-instance-1 (make-person)) * (setf person-instance-2 (make-person :sex ‘female)) a) Person :sex female :personality nice b) Person :sex c) Sex:Female d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf p .6) * (cond ((> p .75) ‘very-likely)((> p .5) ‘likely)((> p .25) ‘unlikely)(t ‘very-unlikely)) a) Very-likely b) Likely c) Unlikely d) Very-unlikely
What is meant by collection of methods the same name? a) Lisp class b) Class c) Generic function d) None of the mentioned
Which hides details behind abstraction boundaries? a) Procedures b) Procedure abstraction c) Recursion d) Both a & b