What is the value of last consequent form in the triggered clause?
a) Value of the entire COND
b) Trigger
c) Consequent
d) All of the mentioned
Which creates reader procedures for getting things out of an instance fields? a) Structure in LISP b) Defstruct c) Class d) Object
What does the language of fopl consist of?
Explain what is prolog programming language? What is it based on?
How the clause is called if it contains a test, as well as zero or more additional forms in LISP? a) Conditional b) Consequents c) Clause d) None of the mentioned
Which forms can be constructed with the same primitives that manipulate lisp expressions? a) Lisp b) Macro c) Procedure d) Defun
What is the output of the following statement? *(setf thing ‘sphere r 1) * (cond ((eq thing ‘circle) (* pi r r)) ((* 4 pi r r))) a) 10.566 b) 11.5683 c) 12.56637 d) 13
Explain what is the importance of the hash table in LISP?
Which symbol holds the first element and also an index in LISP? a) Nail b) Tail c) Initial d) All of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement? * (defstruct person (sex nil) (personality ‘nice)) * (setf person-instance-1 (make-person)) * (setf person-instance-2 (make-person :sex ‘female)) * (person-p ‘(this is a list — not a person instance)) a) Female b) Nice c) T d) Nil
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf fact1 ‘(big computers are nice)) * (setf (first fact1) ‘fast) a) Big computers b) Fast c) Big computers are fast d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf whole-list ‘(monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday)) * (defun both-ends ()(setf whole-list (cons (first whole-list) (last whole-list)))) a) Monday b) BOTH-ENDS c) Friday Monday d) Monday Friday
How many types of variables are available in lisp? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4