How the clause is called if it contains a test, as well as zero or more additional forms in LISP?
a) Conditional
b) Consequents
c) Clause
d) None of the mentioned
Why LISP is used for Artificial Intelligence?
What is the process of creating new data types in lisp? a) List b) Structures c) Procedures d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf part (make-array ‘(8 8))) a) 8 b) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c) 0 0 0 0 d) 8 rows of 0
What is the difference between the appearance of macro and ordinary definition in LISP? a) Argument list b) Reture value c) Just the defining keyword d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement? * (setf toss ‘(heads tails tails tails heads tails)) * (delete ‘heads toss) * toss a) Heads tails b) Heads tails tails tails tails c) Heads d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf breakfast ‘(eggs bacon toast tea)) * (cond ((> (length breakfast) 10) ‘glutton) ((not (endp breakfast)) ‘normal)(t ‘anorexic)) a) Anorexic b) Breakfast c) Eggs d) Normal
Which enables storage in procedurally indexed places in LISP? a) Defstruct b) Object c) Structure d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the following statement? * (defun (input-list) (if (endp input-list) nil (cons ( (first input-list)) ( (rest input-list))))) a) Procedure b) Transforming c) Input d) Error
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf abc ‘(a b c) xyz ‘(x y z)) * (setf bc (rest abc)) * bc a) A b) B c) C d) BC
Explain what is prolog programming language? What is it based on?
Mention what are the three functions required by LISP?
Explain what is SWI-Prolog?