Which process helps to build large and complicated programs in LISP?
a) Macros
b) Procedure abstraction
c) Defun
d) None
What is the output of the given statement? * (defmethod area ((figure rectangle)) (* (rectangle-width figure) (rectangle-height figure))) a) Area b) Rectangle c) Height d) Error
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf abc ‘(a b c) xyz ‘(x y z)) * abc a) A b) B c) ABC
What will happen if the value of all the test-forms are nil? a) Nothing b) COND form is nil c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned
Which keyword embeds the initial element in an array in LISP? a) Initial b) Initial-content c) Initial-element d) None of the mentioned
Which exploit the fact that lisp forms are just expressions meant to be evaluated? a) List b) Procedure c) Macro d) None of the mentioned
What is meant by collection of methods the same name? a) Lisp class b) Class c) Generic function d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (Setf part-bins (make-array ‘(4))) a) #Done b) #4 c) #(0 0 0 0) d) None of the mentioned
What is a data type in which expressions are stored in places identified by integer indexes in LISP? a) Structure b) List c) Array d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf abc ‘(a b c) xyz ‘(x y z)) * (setf bc (rest abc)) * bc a) A b) B c) C d) BC
What is the process of arranging procedures into layers? a) Procedure b) Abstraction c) Abstraction layers d) Procedure abstraction
What is the other name of boxes in LISP? a) Cons cells b) Conses c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned
What is the value of last consequent form in the triggered clause? a) Value of the entire COND b) Trigger c) Consequent d) All of the mentioned