cause of cylinder test failure
how to calculate valuation for the old building?
Can you pl explain the procedure steps of singly and doubly reinforced beams in limit state method
briefly describe your ideal job?
Explain why concrete barriers have curved surface profiles?
Mix proportions of m30,m35,m40
Which are the top apps for you civil engineer?
How to design staircase.plz tell me formula for the design the staircase.
sir tell me what are the rules to find out the cut length? and what is the deduction in dia to be made ?
for basic costing, how can we calculate how much amount of steel and cocrete will go in per sqft? and what are the thumbrules?
What is the name of instrument to find the camber of a road?
to draw bm diagrams for portal frames under different loadings//
Which are the top apps for you civil engineering?