hardness of distilled water
What is the effect of halogen on reactivity of benzene ring and what is the reason for decreasing reactivity?
What are the least number of pi electrons possible in an aromatic compound.
What is the range of uv & vis lamp in spectrophotometer?
What is difference between anti-aromatic and non-aromatic compounds?
Barc in chemistry
Is water a element or a compound?
Actinium is part of the actinide series. Could you explain the significance of this series and its placement in the periodic table?
Which is more basic among pyridiene and piperidene
Why carotene exhibits colour nature?
how we change 0.1N KmNo4 solution to 0.01N KmNo4 solution.
Which organic compound is used as a fuel in jet air crafts? a. 100 octane b. 90 octane c. Kerosine oil d. Diesel oil
What is reagent?
4 Answers BSC, Hygro Chemicals,