What would be the test approach for testing an e-commerce
website which is coming to us from the vendor for maintenance.
What will be the test approach fro the same when we do no have
artifacts, test cases, test plan etc.

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What would be the test approach for testing an e-commerce website which is coming to us from the v..

Answer / himanshu naudiyal

When there is no Test cases avaibale with or Test plan we
will be testing in it real time execution . User can have
the hands on website and can see were the bug is coming or
where it is not behaving expeected result as it should do
and according QA team will maintain it for expamle if
vendor site allow loging 10 peaople simulatneously then
then maintaing always include to keep this in .

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What would be the test approach for testing an e-commerce website which is coming to us from the v..

Answer / aditi

I would also be working for same kind of project. They don't have any SRS which I can refer to. And I am a fresher too. I don't know where to start. Please guide

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