How do you estimate the effort for your project? Where is
the estimation procedure documented?

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How do you estimate the effort for your project? Where is the estimation procedure documented?..

Answer / shridhar

Depending on the project you work for, multiple Estimation
techniques are used. Some of them are:

1. Work Breakdown Structure
2. Function Point Analysis.
3. use Case Template

In #1, you breakdown the project into deliverables and the
activities associated with those deliverables and then each
activity is estimated.
Total estimate is total of all the activity estimates.
Further yto this, contigencies are added by PMs.
2. In Function point Analysis, you need to go into a bit
deeper and refer to the input data/output files and then
estimate the function points for each file/program. It was
industry standards multiplication factors. Total FPA counts
multiplied by multiplication factor provides you a total
project estimation.

3. Use Case is more based on the client's needs and
Depending on the functionality provided in the
application/project, it is estimated.

Use case is mainly used for development projects, though
others can be also used for devp/maintenance kind of
FPA provides different estimation mechanism within it for
development and maintenance projects. (having different
multiplication factors).

I use WBS estimation technique, which I find easier as
compared to other approaches.

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How do you estimate the effort for your project? Where is the estimation procedure documented?..

Answer / megha

WBS is usud for Scheduling/Tracking purpose (in my opninion)

Estimation techniques

2. FP (Function Point)
3. KLOC (K Lines of code)
4. SMC (Small /med/complex)
5. Delphi whitebabd
6. Usecase point
6. Prior exp

Documentation we can do it excelsheet

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How do you estimate the effort for your project? Where is the estimation procedure documented?..

Answer / sj1234

Estimation is based on the Project/APPlication

I do estimation for e-learning Projects

Decide the Complexity of Page and do the estimation and

the nos of Platforms

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How do you estimate the effort for your project? Where is the estimation procedure documented?..

Answer / hunter walk

Your opinion speaks of WBS Dictionary which is referred for tracking purpose.

In general, WBS ensures that nothing falls through the cracks thus prevents changes. In particular it provides proof for estimating staff, cost and time.

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