¦void main()
¦int i=10,j;
¦ j=i+++i+++i;
¦ output:-30
but in same question if we write as-
¦void main()
¦int i=10;
¦ int j=i+++i+++i;
¦ output:-33
why output is changed from 30 to 33. Can any body answer...

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¦void main() ¦{ ¦int i=10,j; ¦ j=i+++i+++i; ¦printf("%d&..

Answer / ram

no change same answer for both as 30.

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¦void main() ¦{ ¦int i=10,j; ¦ j=i+++i+++i; ¦printf("%d&..

Answer / manikandan

ithink cannot use void in main().becoz returns integer. and output of this 2 program is 30 only.not print 33

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¦void main() ¦{ ¦int i=10,j; ¦ j=i+++i+++i; ¦printf("%d&..

Answer / abhishek kumar

this question is itself is confusing question as if we
compile it with c,c++ compiler, the compiler itself get
confuse and it take i=10 all time as it does not make
distinguish between operator in expression(i+++i+++i) and
give output as 30, but if we compile it with java compiler
it output is 33, as java compiler make distinguish between
operator as (i++ +i+ ++i).

so my conclusion is that question given above is confusing
itself that why output are varying every time.

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