what is the theoritical percentage of concrete cubes
testing per day?
How to fix steel in rectangular footins? I.e first along the length or first along the width??
What is the zero value in quantity surveying
what is the diferance np3 and np4 pipe
1 Answers Sharda Construction,
why green colour formation on the surface of concrete and plastered surface takes place after curing?
what is the shuttering normal clear cover for footings, walls, beams & columnms
how to find hardness of water?why it should be determined?
WAP to print 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
how to calculate valuation for the old building?
How much percent of steel use in concrete members etc.slab,beam,lintal,colmn,raft fondation according to concrete volume? Kindly reply me I am in dbout plz
which is higher specific gravity or bulkdensity
convert area- 1 war = meter, 1 guntha = meter
while measuring slab for concrete Quantity it is practiced that steel quantity is not deducted in that particular qty.why?