what is the PC interface and software for connection to ABB
logic module “ LM011-CE18RAC “ ( for Programming ) ??
what is the principal of coriolis mass flowmeter
what is maximum vaccume?
I am teja. I am studying Msc(tech) Electronics and Instrumentation (3years course) in Andhra university. But my course is not recognised by UGC and AICTE. Please tell me the job opportunities after this course. And i fineshed PLC course in IGIAT ,Vizag.Also complted my short term coure in SCADA, Seimans WinCC in ATI,Hyd.After Msc can i join Mtech for good job? or phd. How i can get good job in INdustrial Automation Side. Please give replay.Because this is my life matter.
What is cut off relay? And why use in PLC and DCS?
how to calibrate mass flow meter (Coriolis)? Example calibration range: 0 to 2500 kg/hr line size 3" fluid: Etheline glycol (MEG)
what is instrument philosophy
what is cems analyzer explain with principle and drawing ?
How does one detrmine the direction of movement of core in an LVDT?
In which principles tx ,pressure gauge,Temp gauge,control valve works?
0 Answers Bajaj, Professional Instruments,
how to check earthing,what is minum ohms for proper earthing
why use 50% lel methane gas concentration for gas detector calibration instead of 60% lel gas concentration whereas the hi alarm set at 60% lel.
what does mean by analog output trim and where this one used for?