X and Y live in a North-South parallel street. X travels
10 km towards North to reach the east-west street . Y
travels 6 km towards south to reach the east ?west street .
X travels now 4km towards east and y travels 8km towards
west and they met each other. What is the distance between
x and y?

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X and Y live in a North-South parallel street. X travels 10 km towards North to reach the east-wes..

Answer / v venu gopal


Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

X and Y live in a North-South parallel street. X travels 10 km towards North to reach the east-wes..

Answer / julia jeni, ccet, pondy

. |
. | 6km
. 1 |
4km . |
| . 8km
10| 2 .
km| .
| .

Using pythogoras theorem,
the length of hypotenous of triangle 1=10;
the length of hypotenous of triangle 2=10.8;
total distance between x and y =10+10.8=20.8km.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

X and Y live in a North-South parallel street. X travels 10 km towards North to reach the east-wes..

Answer / krishna

it will be 0.if we look at the present condition of question

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

X and Y live in a North-South parallel street. X travels 10 km towards North to reach the east-wes..

Answer / sekhar


4KM(X) !
! 8KM(Y)

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 9 No

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