why we are using register of 1k,10k,100k,47k,330k in cell
phone based voting machine project?
what is semi&full custom difference b/w these two?
What are the disadvantages of ac voltage controllers?
what is RS-232 giv ex?
Difference b/w low pass filter and integrator in case of Opamp's ??
i want to know some description about SIM architecture... what is inside the SIM?
i need ongc engineer trainee electronic test questions
Why 8051 is called as 8051 plz send ans at swatimehta5487@gmail.com
Explain how rectangular filter are practically made?
What are the maintenances of a PLC ?
What is the largest decimal no that can be represented by a 16 bit binnary word?
What are your greatest strength and weakness as an individual relating to your official assignments?
What is a lissajous pattern?