what is mix design of sand cement and and aggrigate of M10
M20 M25..
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what radial pressure, the NP2 class rcc pipe can sustain?
how to calculate the lap bar for bor culvert ?
what are the differences between Tie beam, Ground beam and strap beam. thanks
Q Structural Behavior Of Statically Determinate And Indeterminate Reinforced Concrete Structure?
Define graphics window?
Reinforcement details at hinged joint
what are the stress act on circular slab?
What is the unit weight of steel?
What is the procedure and technnology behind jointing of prestessed block in Delhi metro rail project.
Please tell me about surveying standard chain details.Thanks.
what is the quantity of cement sand and metal in a 1m^3 m15 standard concrete
The compressing strength of concrete samples (cubic)