what is mix design of sand cement and and aggrigate of M10
M20 M25..
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What is cement-concrete ratio ?
how to consider the laping length of steel?
What are the specification of good quality sand for plaster and brickwork?
how many BSCs can i connect to the HUAWEI MSC
what is hydrostatic paradox?
All aptitude question of Bechtel
what is PEB structure
For removal of formwork of simply supported slab / beam from where to start the deshuttering? ( Max Bending moment of the simply supported beam is in the center hence is it required to start from the supports?)
Explain what are the phases inspections are done by local authority while construction?
The 4 main factors to start a construction project are––
Permissible wastage of cement as per IS code ? In which IS code I get it?
Can compresive strength test for concrete at 1 day age possible to carry out? If yes, which IS code describes the procedure for such testing?