How do you use collections in procedure to return the
How delete a row in sql?
Why do we use sql constraints? Which constraints we can use while creating database in sql?
What is the largest value that can be stored in a byte data field?
What is sql and how does it work?
can we call a procedure into another procedure?If yes means how you can pass the perameters for the two procedures?
what is the difference between trigger and storedprocedures
How can you fetch common records from two tables?
How do I count rows in sql query?
What is meant by cursor in sql?
What is having clause in sql?
one of the column in my table contains the data like SAL ---- 1000 1000 2000 3000 3000 So my requirement is i want output like SAL --- 1000 2000 3000 it mean i want to delete duplicate rows in the table permanently and i want output in the above formatow should u write query?
how to get second highest salary in SQL(as/4000