In STP the Root Bridge Sends the BPDU in Every 2 Sec,In BPDU
What kind of Information is i.e. What kind of information
BPDU Contains?

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In STP the Root Bridge Sends the BPDU in Every 2 Sec,In BPDU What kind of Information is i.e. What ..

Answer / jitendera

A Budu contain Mac address + bridgeid( 32768) of the Swicth.

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In STP the Root Bridge Sends the BPDU in Every 2 Sec,In BPDU What kind of Information is i.e. What ..

Answer / aijaz ahmed

BPDUs contain a lot of information to help the switches determine the topology and any loops that result from that topology.

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In STP the Root Bridge Sends the BPDU in Every 2 Sec,In BPDU What kind of Information is i.e. What ..

Answer / parshant jaswal


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