How can u find column name from a table which have max value
in a row.( not max value)

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How can u find column name from a table which have max value in a row.( not max value)..

Answer / ajit


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How can u find column name from a table which have max value in a row.( not max value)..

Answer / mahalakshmi s

select case when col1>col2 then 'col1' else 'col2' end, greatest(col1,col2) end from table_name;

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How can u find column name from a table which have max value in a row.( not max value)..

Answer / gaurav

select decode( (select sal from emp where empno = 7521) , (select greatest( sal, comm ) from emp where empno = 7521 ), 'sal', 'comm' ) from dual

You can use multiple decode if more number of columns are there.

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How can u find column name from a table which have max value in a row.( not max value)..

Answer / ganesh

create table aa_test(
a number,
b number,
c number)

select greatest(a,b,c) from aa_test where a=99 ;

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How can u find column name from a table which have max value in a row.( not max value)..

Answer / prashanth

user greatedt function.

Ex select greatest(sal,bonus) from emp where emp_id = 1000;

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