What is a left join?
Can i use Commit inside the Trigger? Suppose i use commit what will be happy (it's complied /executed/work)
how many tupples can insert in 1 second in sql
How global cursor can be declare with dynamic trigger ?
What are sql functions? Describe the different types of sql functions?
What are the differences between in and exists clause?
need to split a string into separate values. eg. col1 col2 ---------- 100 - 'a,b,c' 200 - 'a,x,d,e' 300 - 'c' result: value count ------------- a - 2 b - 1 c - 2 etc.
Why do we need a foreign key?
how to find the First and Last Observation from the table: Ex: OBS Name Sal Ans like: OBS Name Sal 105 E 5000--> 105 E 5000 102 B 2000 104 D 4000 103 C 3000 101 A 1000--> 104 D 4000
Which certification is best for sql?
What is difference between sql function and stored procedure?
I have a CURSOR then why we need BULK COLLECT again?
How do you declare a constant?