What is a REF CURSOR? Compare strong and week ref cursor types.
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Answer / b.v.srinivas
Ref cursor is a cursor variable which acts as a pointer to
the sql memory area.
Ref cursor can be asssociated with multiple sql statements
where as a cursor can be associated with only one sql
Refcursor is dynamic where as cursor is static.
Ref cursors are of two types:
1)strong ref cursor:which retuns value.
2)week ref cursor:which doesn't return value.
thanks and regards
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Answer / shailendra chauhan
For the strong ref cursor the returning columns with
datatype and length need to be known at compile time.
For the weak ref cursor the structure does not need to be
known at compile time.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / nagapawan
i have doubt ref cursor comes in pl/sql r not. pls clarify
any one
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Answer / sure
ref cursor is a datatype we can assign variables that data type called cursor variable,cursor variable can associate with different queries at run time,primary advantage of refcursor is we can pass result set morethan one sub program
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Answer / ramadoss r
REF CURSOR is a pointer in the oracle database.It is used
when the problem statement has more than one query.It comes
on PL/SQL only.Because in SQL we can't get answers for two
query at a time.
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Answer / alladi venkateswarlu
Weak ref cursor types can be associated with any query
whereas strong ref cursor types can only be associated with
cursors of the same type.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 3 No |
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