What is the rate of WCT on the Electrical Contracts comprising of DG Sets and
Civil Works in Delhi ?
how can i find ct ratio of meter by seeing name plate of meter and how it should be used in MF calculation if it shows only-/1???
if the power factor is .88 i want to increase the power factor to .99 what number of capacitor is to add?
How to control speed of DC motor with AC power?
what is derating factor in Cable ? how we minimise this?
18 Answers Bhel, College School Exams Tests,
what r the types of detectors? state the location these detectors?
what is the common earth
why d.c produces corrosion
what is the different between counterpoise earthing and pipe earthing?
How electrical power is generated by an A.C Generator ?
DG drop how much freqency at 100% load?
How to choose the vector group for the step up and step down transformers??? Tell me the which vector group is suitable for step up and step down transformers and whats the reason to choose and whats the benefits???
what is the difference between dropout fuse and horn gap fuse. how to choose between them