Table 1: col1 Timestamp
01-mar-2012 11:12:46
Table 2: col2 Timestamp
01-mar-2012 11:12:10
01-mar-2012 11:11:23
Write a query to display a row with table2 col2 value less
than tabl1 col1 value. Maximum timestamp value previous to
table1 col1 value.
Display a result as:
Col1 col2
----- -----
01-mar-2012 11:12:46 01-mar-2012 11:12:10
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3 Answers CG-VAK, Tech Mahindra,
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How to write a procedure for displying the data in a TREE or (PARENT and CHILD ) relationship , for ex: A is the main project id, for this project B,C,D are sub tasks(sub project id's) for B the sub tasks are e,f,g and for c is h ,i ,j and for d is k,l,m now i need to display the o/p in a TREE fashion pls help me , thanks in advance surendra