WHAT IS THE DESCRIPTIVE programming when it is useful? &
when to use this ?
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Answer / venkatraj.b
without using the objectrepository, and by using the
objectspy we will write the DESCRIPTIVE programming .
when ever we will go to DESCRIPTIVE programming :-
1.when ever objects are dynamicaly changing.
2.when ever QTP is not going to recognise the objects.
3.when ever objectrepository size is huge automatically QTP
wil get down slow.
4.when ever not yet develop the build then only we will use
DESCRIPTIVE programming .
Is This Answer Correct ? | 36 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / manish gupta
List few scenarios where Descriptive Programming MUST be
1. For an object which will be used only once or
twice, there’s no need to use the slow, complex Object
Repository. DP should be used.
2. In case the identification properties and values of
an object match more than one object; QTP will throw
an "Object’s description matches more than one of the
objects currently displayed in your application" error (If
OR is used).
DP easily deals with double objects by using the
index property. We can add “Index:=X” to the description
strings (when X is a zero-based counter), and QTP will
point to object #X.
3. Some objects change hierarchies i.e. an object will
appear under a different parent each time (e.g. – a pop-up
which appears under the initiating sub-window). In some
applications, the only way to work with such objects is
with DP.
4. When using an Object Reference in an External
Function, it is difficult to make sure that the relevant
object is being defined in the Calling Action’s Object
Repository or Even if it is defined, does it have the same
Logical Name? Descriptive Programming is the only option
5. Instead of working with a single object at a time,
we can gather all the objects which answer to our
identification properties, and work with them as a
For Example:- Suppose you are testing Yahoo Website.
After you login, it lists all the mails present in your
inbox with a checkbox for each mail. Using this checkbox
you can select a mail for deletion or for moving it etc.
But when you design your test, you do not know how
many check boxes (mails) will be displayed on the page, and
you cannot, of course, know the exact object description of
each check box. In this situation, you can use a
programmatic description to instruct QuickTest to perform a
Set "ON" method for all objects that fit the description:
HTML TAG = input, TYPE = check box.
6. When testing a “NOT YET DEVELOPED” build, DP must
be used.
7. Size of Object Repository adversely affects the
performance of QTP. Huge OR slows QTP down.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / raghu
descriptive programming is a process where you can wite a
program directly execute it with out the help of object
It used when QTp is unable to find the object..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / brahma reddy
descriptive programming in QTP means whenever qtp facing
dificulty with obj identification then we will go with
regular exp or desc prog it means identifying obj unique
prop from the script itself.
ex:vbwindow("").vbedit("attached text:=username").set cdbjd
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / sharads
Descriptive Programming used to bypass Object Repository.
Descriptive programming is used when we want to perform an
operation on an object that is not present in the object
repository. There can be various valid reason to do so.
There are two ways in which descriptive programming can be used
1. By giving the description in form of the string arguments.
2. By creating properties collection object for the description.
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Answer / ravinder
the qtp does not identify the development technologe object
that time we can use discriptive programme
the object isnot in object repository then work that object
based on unique property it is comming under descriptive
uses repository sige is decrese
we can exicute test case with out repository
i think this is enough if find out any sutiable answer
please send to me
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 9 No |
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