please any one can explain the keyword driven framework.
with gmail example.
what is the diff between manual test plan document and automation test plan doc.can u explain indetail.
how to write this script using descriptive programming? the script below is the script generated by QTP plz write the script using descriptive programming? plzzzzzzzz do answer thanku Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("orkut - login").WebEdit("Email").Set "test123" Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("orkut - login").WebEdit ("Passwd").SetSecure "475259b450e3d212bef4a5f5ce9d32ebcbf4" Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("orkut - login").WebButton("Sign in").Click Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("orkut - home").Link ("Logout").Click Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("orkut - login").Sync Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Close
Hello, Can we capture only the labels of the web page in the object repository. If yes, then how. Actually my scenario is: I have to capture all the label of mercury site php. and want to copy all these labels in the notepad. So,please help me how to do this all. Thanks in advance, Gaytri
What is deference between normal QTP testing and descriptive programming?
What are the recording modes in qtp?
what is action in QTP?
Where we save all scripts in the QTP
5 Answers Ordain Solutions, Sathya Technologies,
Login to flight app, in window flight reservation set the date field and select flyfrom as Frankfurt and verify whether flyto list box has the item FrankFurt, log the results.
How you are maintaining shared object repository in your team or your project?help me plz
Could anyone please tell me one situation where you have used recovery scenarion in real time with an example?
what is smart identification?
What is creation time property and how does it work?