What is Capital Commitments means?
If a company monthly sales is 7,567075.03, variable cost 5,114,902.05 and fixed cost 1855268.11. What will be the Break even point ?
what is accounting concept? explian in brief?
9 Answers Capital IQ, Hero Honda,
double entry system
1 Answers Spedag Interfreight,
what is the journal entry can be passed for an opening balance (bank, fixed asset, provisions)to the new software
What is LIFO and FIFO ?
why capital is a liability ?
what is set off and carry forward.
Explain the Realisation concept and Accounting concept? why do you prepare p/l appropriation account? 4 difference b/w public and private caompany? How do you calculated closing stock in tradind a/c? Contents an invoice receipt? classification of Error as per accounting? Diff btwn Satutory audit & Internal audit? Diff b/w reserves for bad debts and provision for bad debts? Where the Bank book and the Cash book will not reconcile? When will the Cash book have a credit balance?
wat is accounting entity
what is an assets?
in our co we are sales of good to branch in order sales+fright, branch made jv entry in own book as full amount debit and credit. now our book show sales without freight but branch shows including freight that why differences is arise due to wrong entry passes pls clarify this entry and this entry is done last year book now balance is finalize.