What is the difference between WHERE AND IN?

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / jaipal singh

The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a
WHERE clause.
if we want to select the persons with a EMPID equal to 1,2
and 3 from the table above.
and simply where clause allow you to select ony whose EmpID
is 123.it is main difference

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / aditya bisoi

Actually Both Query will return Same Result....
But Performance wise 1st Query better..Bcz it will return the Exact Record with out check hole record in the table....

But when we use IN operator then the sql engine will do the Table scan and retrive the Result...

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / abinash

Jaipal Sing: Lets say I will keep only one value (123) in IN
clause. In this case what is the real difference??
This is how Question asked to me!! and I am answer less...

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / chandan

IN operator is used to specify multiple variable.
while in this query both result will be same.

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / saiteja

In the case of where clause it displays single row,or operator can be placed in where clause in oreder to extend rows.
In IN operator at a time we can place empid multiple times but they must be unique.
select * from emp
where empid=123
By using OR operator:
select * from emp
where empid=123 or empid=234
By using IN operator:
select * from emp
where empid IN(123)
accordidg to the question the output will be same in both thae cases..

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / g.m. ershad

1)select * from test2 where id=44
Output -
44 Ershad

2) sELECT * FROM test2 WHERE ID IN (44)
Output -

44 Ershad

both will return same output

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / soumya ghosh

Both of them will return the same record
But as per the first sentence of the question, WHERE is a Clause whereas IN is a Operator. That is the difference between both.

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / dinesh sharma

In WHERE Clause when the condition match no further scan of
table stop scanning the table after condition match.

where as IN operator It scan the full table either condition
match or not.

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / shashi kishor prasad

The where Clause allows you to give so many conditions like
in the above case you can use
select * from employee where empid >122
select * from employee where empid <125
select * from employee where empid between 122 and 125
select * from employee where empid is not null(if null allowed)
and many moer..........
where as
The in clause allows you to give a no of values inside the
parenthesis decided by you like

select * from employee where empid in(123,1234,125)
select * from employee where empid in(select empid from
employee where empid>200)

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / mohan

both are same

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