What is the difference between WHERE AND IN?

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / guest

Here both is same but some situvations we want extact value
of one are more values then use in oprate

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / vandana chand

where allows only single value in where Clause.
where as IN operator allwos multiple values in Where clause.

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / vandana chand

where allows only single value in where Clause.
where as IN operator allwos multiple values in Where clause.

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / ved

EMPID=123 will show only one row....if you want to see multiple row then use EMPID IN (1,2,3)

Pratically Done.

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What is the difference between WHERE AND IN? OR 1. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPID=123 2. SELE..

Answer / saiteja

there is no difference among them.

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