in what case consultant will suggest for more than one
operating unit, reasons?

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in what case consultant will suggest for more than one operating unit, reasons?..

Answer / loren

If the company wants to have a subsidiary ledger that will
partition the accounts payables, accounts receivables and
balance sheet of either two separate companies or division
of the company.

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in what case consultant will suggest for more than one operating unit, reasons?..

Answer / nikhil

The Operating Units are defined to differentiate the
Purchasing the sale transactions.

For Example : If the company wants to record same
purchasing trsnactions and Sale order order transactions
for some of the inventory orgs , Then all those inventory
orgs fall under One OU.

If you can see on top of the Purhcase order and sale
order , OU name will be reflecting.

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in what case consultant will suggest for more than one operating unit, reasons?..

Answer / naren

If the organization have different line of businesses. Each business have to maintain Transactions separately to know the Profit and losses as well as balance sheets. In this case i suggest different operating units.

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