what is accuracy ? in any meters , coils accuracy .
how can u defined that ?
The windings of a transformer are divided into several coils, because?
what is the maintaining Cf in UPS.
what are the safety measures of induction motor?
fog produced due to?
A 40 kva transformer has a core loss of 400W and a full load copper loss of 800W. What is The proportion of full load at maxmimum efficiency?
For a spring controlled governer the relation F = ar+b (F is the controlling force, r is the radius of rotation a and b are constants), indicates that the governer is
what is the earth resistance ?
Can u Explain about the electronic trivector meter and the use of data converters in them?
The maximum demand of consumer is 2 kW and his daily energy consumption is 20 units. Its Load Factor is (1) 10.15% (2) 41.6 % (3) 50 % (4) 60%
will 1050kva DG set withstand for back charge of 16MVA transformer
why the neutral line is not giving shock to us if we touch it ?
what is the difference between earthing and grounding of electric circuits