i have completed Diploma in E.C. in 2005. How i get
electrical superviser licence in gujarat.
Explain what are the two mechanisms of breakdown in a p-n junction?
how long has fibre channel been around?
what is vswr?
what is a bleeder resistor?
What do you mean by trim
how to begin the answer for "tell about yourself"? also what to answer?
What are the shortcomings of a multimeter?
Consider sinc(x):where sinc(x)=sin (xpi)/xpi. and sinc(x) have max value i.e. unity at x=0 .now if x=0.then pix =0 and sin (pix)=0 at x=0. then above expression sin (xpi)/xpi.should be of 0/0 form i.e. in-determined form. then how sinc(x) is one at x=0. pi is constant.
Can anyone plzzz tel me how can we generate sinusoidal waveform using 8085 chip??????? plzz reply with corresponding assembly language program........or simply the accurate logic.....
What is an astable multivibrator?
what is d use of Fascimile?