i have two sources two flatfiles same structure
one flatfile contain 100 million recs
another flatfile contain 10 million recs
i have to connect single target(performance oriented answer)
what are the steps we have to do this scenario

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i have two sources two flatfiles same structure one flatfile contain 100 million recs another flat..

Answer / babu

Hi Teja,
The two sources are haveing same structure,so beter to
use list file,to load the data into single TARGET.

1.Place the two source paths in a note pad and
save as it '.list' format.
2.create a maping as per your requirement in
that mapping you have to take only one source no need to
take two sources.
3. Create a session and workflow.
4.In session give a SOURCE FILE PATH
is '.list' file and SOURCE FILE TYPEA as INDIRECT.

Let me know if any thing wrong.


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i have two sources two flatfiles same structure one flatfile contain 100 million recs another flat..

Answer / srikanth


Both teja and Babu Answers are correct..

But here we need to consider Performance wise which one is

here we have only two flat files one is having 100 million
records and second one having 10 million records.

union transformation can supports for flat files also and it
is acting as union all(don't worry about this).

first drag the 100 million records source and then drag the
10 million records source on mapping designer.
connect these two sources to union transformation.
union transformation can merge the Data By COLUMN by COLUMN.
so it is trying to merge only 10 million records with
existing 100 million records

Then we can tune the performance here.

if we have lot of flat files(same structure) then we have to
go for file indirect.

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i have two sources two flatfiles same structure one flatfile contain 100 million recs another flat..

Answer / sudheer

As u r using source as flat file so u can go for partitioning preferably Single-Thread or Multi-Thread partitioning.

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i have two sources two flatfiles same structure one flatfile contain 100 million recs another flat..

Answer / tejaetl

i answered this question both the flatfiles connet to union

connect to single target

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