I have 2 yr Localisation testing exp now i want to job in MNC
My manualtesting knowledge+2 yr exp sufficiant for in MNC
What is the common bug u face in a web-based application. .?
Adobe puzzles: . . . . . . . . . connect all these dots using 4 continuous lines.one clue u can extend the line after the points also. 2.one basket contains apples,second basket contains oranges and third basket contains apples and oranges the labels are wrongly mentioned.pick one fruit from one of these basket and find which basket contain which fruits.
if my documaents (SRS &FRS) having earros(does not meets) the requirements in that sitchuvation,which document i should take to write the testcases?(othere wise which steps i should take?(Usha)
explain fault based testing technique.
difference between v-model and refinement form of v-model?
How do we decide scope for smoke and sanity testing?
What is V Model?
diff b/w regression, re-testing & repeative testing
(urgent)hi all can any one answer to following questions.i have an interview tomorrow.it will be a great help if any one answer to this questions.thanks all. 1.when ever we get a build do we need to do smoke test is it compulsory,and how much do they spend for test. 2.generally all the testcases are stored in which place in real time.is there tool used to store that testcases and test plan,suppose we are using test director can we store all our test cases in it, and where does entire application test cases and test plan is stored assuming that company is using test director. 3.and when we file a bug,and it gets fixed after that do we need to do regressing testing only on that test case or any other test cases also.how the process will be there in real time. 4.when ever a new feature is added to the application do all the test cases to be re executed. 5. can we use toad, winaql in oracle database to access sql queries.
testing is a procedure or methodology,diff between methodoly and procedure?
What is 2-Tier and 3-Tier Architecture?
What is the difference between baseline and traceability matrix?