int main()
int i=2;
int j=++i + ++i + i++;
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Answer / vivek patel
it give warning...........
because fun should have return type...
first i=2
then ++i so i=3 and j=3+ ++i + i++
then ++i so i=4 and j=3 + 4 + i++;
then i++ so i=5 and j=3 + 4+ 5;
so i=5 and j=12;
there is no more diff between i++ and ++i in run time..
it gives same ans....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / ashok reddy
intially i=2
j=++i + ++i + i++;
in this statament it calculates from r-l
so j=5+4+2
and the last value of i is 5
so i=5 and j=11
is the correct answer
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Answer / nb
i = 2 (i dont change)
j = 6 (++i = 3 and in i++ increments after calculating j )
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 6 No |
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