Hi can you please answer the following these are my
interview questions
What is RAID & RAID levels
What is DNS & DHCP
What are IP classes and protocols
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Answer / milind
Full form of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
It is the way of storing the same data in different places
(thus, redundantly) on multiple hard disks.
RAID levels
RAID 0 (block-level striping without parity or mirroring)
RAID 1 (mirroring without parity or striping)
RAID 2 (bit-level striping with dedicated Hamming-code
RAID 3 (byte-level striping with dedicated parity)
RAID 4 (block-level striping with dedicated parity)
RAID 5 (block-level striping with distributed parity)
RAID 6 (block-level striping with double distributed parity)
DNS, full form (Domain Name System)
It translates domain names meaningful to humans into the
numerical identifiers <IP> associated with networking
equipment for the purpose of locating and addressing these
devices worldwide.
DHCP, full form (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
It is automatic configuration protocol used on IP networks.
DHCP allows a computer to be configured automatically for
IP address.
IP Classes
Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying
number, called an IP Address.
Class 1st Octet Decimal Range
A 1 – 126*
B 128 – 191
C 192 – 223
D 224 – 239
E 240 – 254
A protocol is a special set of rules that enable
communication between two computers.
You may find protocol details on net.
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Answer / vinod
dns means domain naming systems and dhcp means dynamic host
configuration protocol
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Answer / imnoor
"Protocol" usually refers to a set of rules that define an exact format for communication between systems. For example the HTTP protocol defines the format for communication between web browsers and web servers, the IMAP protocol defines the format for communication between IMAP email servers and clients, and the SSL protocol defines a format for encrypted communications over the Internet.
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What does the /var/named/named.root file specify ?
how to set kernal parameters in solaris 10&9?
can we dynamically assign IP address to clints from server without using DHCP
Your HOSTS file looks like this: 123.34.19 product 123.23.45 develop you can ping , but you cannot connect \product etapps . Why ?
when affected the system from virus , which paths will be it stored in system ?
Draw network configuration and protocol layer interface architecture for a multiprotocol bridge that interconnects an Ethernet LAN to a token-ring LAN.
0 Answers Kent, Kent State University,
What is switch, frame, packets and bits plz give me detail idea about it and which layer it is used
Which option of the snoop command tells it to display from a host ?
What is the name for the number sequence needed for handling an IP address? a. MAC b. Gateway Address c. Sock number d. Node number e. Subnet mask
What does the /var/named/loopback-domain.info file specify ?
How maximum networks and hosts are in a class a, b and c network?
What is a runt, Giant, and collision?