what special aspects of your work experience have prepared you for this jobs? can you describe for me one or two of your most important accomplishments? how much supervision have you typically received in your previous job?
1808What is the last major networking problem you troubleshot and solved on your own in the last year?
1 7120What LAN analyzer tools are you familiar with and describe how you use them to troubleshoot and on what media and network types.
2 10191Post New Networking Administration Questions
in solaris file sysrm is full what u do?
Explain how dynamic host configuration protocol aid in network administration?
Define peer to peer?
Do you know what is the maximum segment length of a 100base-fx network?
Explain the role of ieee in computer networking?
What is network architecture?
Define data encapsulation?
If a switch has been configured with two vlans, how many broadcast domains will be there
How would you monitor and maintain the local area network, email, internet & intranet systems to ensure data security and prevent occurrence of faults?
Define lan?
Unable to connect to local DB
What is network management?
What is mac addresses?
What platforms do you currently work on at your desk?
How do you manage multiple concurrent high level projects?