if suplly 11kva its give 440volts then if suplly is given 10kva whats the volts given
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what is extra low voltage system
What do you mean by a current transformer?
as ac supply is given 2 the transformer why it doesnot depends upon powerfactor????
block diagram of 2 ups system connected in hot stand by mode?
Will any motor burn if voltage provided is lesser than the rated voltage???? If yes, then how is speed control possible with voltage control
what is thermal resistance of PVC Cable.
I have 500A load (WHICH IS SEPARATE MDP PANEL),an MCC panel with 4000A Breaker.Already I have 2500A load.Can I connect this load directly to the Busbar since I have PROTECTION IN MY MDP Panel ?
how power is generated,and transmitted to our home..pls explain briefly in simple words.
Why it need to form a capcitor when it not been in use from three or two year. Plz describe it technically.
Why do not we prefer non conventional sources of energy to conventional sources?
i have DEEE certificate in vinyaka misson unive rsity. is a INGNO if possible get the electrical C licences in Tamil nadu?
what is cable meggering formula for low voltage ?