Hai Frds, i want to join in testing tools course, pls sugest
good institute.
And pls tel about Mind Q institute & phone num of Nareswar
Roa sir plss, ple mail me plssssss
How many 2:1 multiplexers do we need to make a 2 input xor gate?
Discuss the need for biasing the transistor.
NOKIA BSC is designed on which platform?
how can i do offset compensation , phase compensation and gain ratio using DAC?
Hi Friends pls give information regarding BARC written test. am attending written exam on 1st September 2009.mail me on sanjaykm1982@indiatimes.com/sanjaykumar.b.mathur@relianceada .com
what is the different between opamp,comparator and amplifier?
sir i want polytechnic lecturers model papers plzzzzzzzzz send me my mail id: manisri.bobbala@gmail.com
if building "b" height casts a shadow "f ' feet long . the same day a tree "t" feet height will cast a shadow how many feet long ? a)ft/b b)fb/t c)b/ft d)tb/f e)t/fb
Alcatel&Lucent Bts
1KVA UPS Output= 800KVA or 1KVA Plese clarify this teerm
I am abscent to the external exam due to illness then what happen
what is inductive couplers
0 Answers Green World Technology,