. What is flow buffering ? How it reduces the chances of
having deadlock ?
What are differences between different versions of co-op?
What is the difference between Generate Records Component and Create Data Component?
What is the diff between abinitiorc and .abinitiorc files ?
Describe how you would monitor and control database physical file size and growth?
What is the difference between a utility and api in a RUN SQL component
How can I run the 2 gui merge files?
How abinitio eme is segregated?
What exactly do you understand with the term data processing and businesses can trust this approach?
What is rollup component?
What are differences between different gde versions(1.10,1.11,1.12,1.13and 1.15)?what are differences between different versions of co-op?
Do we really work with ACTUALDATA in development phase.
What is ab initio enterprise meta>environment (eme)?