Give the coding for system reboot in C
What type of questions are asked in interview?
Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL.
what are differences b/w EIA 449 and EIA 530?
tcp/ip is ---bits
What is the Boundary value analysis and Equlance class partition for select * from emp
in which website , i can able to get the electrical basics.?????????????
pls send me rrb se(s&t)questions
how to count 4 column with two "and" condition in oracle? e.g task_type and cust_type and service_type are 3 column and we hv to count where task_type="new"and cust_type="jdp" and resulting column name will be new cust with jdp..and also we hv to count where task_type="new"and service_type="fs" resulting column name will be new cust with fs..
what is test initiation?can anybody post the answer urgently?
some of the general knowledge questions were asked Which part of the eye is transplanted ? a) cornea b) retina c) whole eye
what are the areas of improvement required in yourself to achieve your career goals? Describe what you are doing/plan to do to address the areas of improvement
i need to know abt renault nissan company and the rounds and type of questions asked by today