what is the difference between C and C++? what is the difference between scanf and gets? what is mean by extern what is the use of it? what will happen if i say delete this> Difference between C structure and C++ structure? What is the difference between overloading and overridding? Explain the need for "virtual Destructor" Can we have "virtual Constructors"? What is the different types of polymorphism> What is virtual functions? How to implement virtual function in "C"? What are the different types of storage classes?
Engineering AllOther 1893any one help me how the following program execute main() { int x=5; printf("%d %d %d",x,x<<3,x>>2); } //output : 5 40 1
1 Engineering AllOther 2600create a C program, the .exe file of that program run system will reboot any one help me
Engineering AllOther 1545