Why Stabilising Resistor used in REF circuit ?
why neutral wire thin than phase wire in 4pole conductor
Power Factor Controller
How we calculate the Multiplying Factor of Kwh meter for 3 phase alternator.
Shall we use Dyn1 transformer in place of Dyn11 for motor application as a distribution transformer
what is the function of commutator in dc motor?
52 Answers Aviation, HP, Raj Construction, TCE, University Exams,
how a vibration switch's high signal will going to trip the motor? can u explain with some examplesand wiring diagrams?
why is a earth pit 10 ft usually? And, what should be the distance betweeen two earth pit?
How can step up and step down process in power transformer
1 Answers MSETCL Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co Ltd,
What is the practical way to calculate the cable size for known ampere load?
Why in power plant projects we see DOL starting method used for motors upto 160 kW instead of star delta method
why we get 2 differnet values for power factor in 2 watt meter method in 3 phase
how many types of Earth bits available