write script to open Gmail.com, and to write script for
entering username and password and show whether the result
as pass or fail
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'---------------------------------------------opening gmail
login page------------------------------------------------
systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe","www.gmail.com",,,3
If Browser("name:=Gmail: Email from
Google").Page("title:=Gmail: Email from
Google").WebEdit("name:=Email","html id:=Email").exist Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Login page","Gmail Login
Page Succesfully Opened"
Browser("name:=Gmail: Email from
Google").Page("title:=Gmail: Email from
Google").WebEdit("name:=Email","html id:=Email").set
Browser("name:=Gmail: Email from
Google").Page("title:=Gmail: Email from
Google").WebEdit("name:=Passwd","html id:=Passwd").set
Browser("name:=Gmail: Email from
Google").Page("title:=Gmail: Email from
Google").WebButton("name:=Sign in","html id:=signIn").Submit
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Login page","Gmail Login Page
Not Opened Succesfully "
End If
the my mail id opened--------------------------------------
'Browser("name:=Gmail - Inbox").Page("title:=Gmail -
Inbox").Link("text:=Compose Mail","name:=Compose
If Browser("name:=Gmail - Inbox").Page("title:=Gmail -
Inbox").Link("text:=Compose Mail","name:=Compose
Mail").exist Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Sign in","login is successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Sign in","login is Not
End If
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / b.v.raghavendra babu
systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe" , "http://www.gmail.com"
browser("name:=Gmail").page("title:=Gmail").webedit("name:=Email").Set "raghavendrababu"
browser("name:=Gmail").page("title:=Gmail").webedit("name:=Passwd").Setsecure "52b8097da3e1d1b557575738826"
browser("name:=Gmail").page("title:=Gmail").webbutton("name:=Sign in").Click
browser("name:=Gmail - Inbox").page("title:=Gmail - Inbox").Sync
browser("name:=Gmail - Inbox").page("title:=Gmail - Inbox").Link("name:=Compose Mail","x:=18","y:=155").Click
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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