How to Import data from a file (file is on the desktop) to
the data table
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Answer / sojan davis
We can use Datatable.import and Datatable.importsheet method
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Hi Friends, I am facing some issues with If,else condition,i.e. i am working on some web page for ex:gmail if i want to check if username is incorrect or already exist,i want to display error message in my test report,for this i am using a simple code first,i.e. If Browser("Gmail: Email from Google").Page("Gmail: Email from Google").WebEdit("Email").Set "Shekhar.g"= true Then Msgbox ("Username Does not Exist!") Else msgbox ("Welcome !") End If But still i am getting a syntax error If Browser("Gmail: Email from Google").Page("Gmail: Email from Google").WebEdit("Email").Set "shekhar.g"= true Then Msgbox ("Username Does not Exist!") Else msgbox ("Welcome !") End If I don't feel any thing wrong in this syntax but i don't understand why it shows such error,i am confused what went wrong,please help me out & do the favor,thanks a lot....
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