What are your personal skills and abilities for such a
Master Course and your possible preparation to undertake
this course?
If two hack saw blades, seperated by 1mm thick paper,are connected across 230volts, and immersed in water,then they start getting heat. This is fact,i dont know how they get heated.Blades are not directly connected together. Please if anybody knows the fact ,revert back to me
My meter ratio is -/5 and ct ratio is 100/5 now what will be the multiplying factor and how ?
what are iron and copper losses
what is tpdt
IF 8255 CONTROL WORD IS 94H,Tell the chip port work mode ?
How to calculate voltage drop in copper and aluminium cable? I have laid 240Sq.mm Aluminium cable for the length of 600 Mtrs in 1 Mtrs underground. Normal load is 150A. Transformer is 630KVA, 6.KV/433V. But, I am getting only 395 Volts when load. How to calculate voltage drop and what is the permissible voltge drop for this circuit?
What is step signal?
what is suitable cable for 25 HP motor ? start with VFD ac supply 50 hz
Is it possible to operate a synchronous 2-poles turbogenerator with a still-in-place faulted bar but electrically disconnected ???? If yes, should I act on the other phases as well ???
how to calculate the ct burden?
How to Make relay co ordination chart for a Electrical power distribution of a plant
what is back emf?