when wct@8.75% is charged from the vendor. How much TDS has
to be deducted against it??
What are the items are the purpose of calculating taxable? - Excise duty - Fine & penalty - Loss on sale fixed assets - Depreciation on fixed assets
What are the basic and additional conditions for resident and ordinarily resident (ror)?
we have got a bill of maintinance charges (material Bill only. bill amount is rs. 5000/- now my question is how much wct we have to cut.
why use the tax & duty in Accounts
tds rates on labourn charges
What is means by Central Excise ? How to calculate Central Excise ? Central Excise form No. is ? What is means by ESI ? How to calculate ESI ? ESI challan or form No. ? What is means by sales tax (vat also)? How to calculate Sales tax (vat also)? Sales tax form no. (vat also) ? What is means by TDS ? How to calculate TDS ? TDS Form No. ?
3 Answers Avery Dennison, Sukhbir Agro Energy,
in case of vehicle hired for staff pick up & drop for 1 month or 1 year, TDS is applicable ? if yes then which code is mention in challan & which rate is applicable ? in case of vehicle orner is personal or company which rate applicatble ?
Under which head depreciation will come?
What is the percentage of CST on Hire Charges(Hire machinery - if suppose we hired one Crusher from West Bengal state's party), Please give clarification?
should we can take modvat benefit any time or they have some limit time to take input benefit claim?
Wat is 80cc? and examples
I have some queries about Service Tax, I am working in a Insurance Broking Company. 1) We have raised one bill on 25.04.09 for the services provided by us in the month Mar, 09 Now We received the chq on May, 09 followed in the Month of June,09. When the service tax is actually payable in the month of received of Service tax amount or in the month of services actually provided by us (Mar09) 2) Can we take 100% credit of Service Tax Input paid to those who provided services to us. Suppose Service Tax payable is Rs. 100/- and Service tax charged by the other firms/company Rs. 80/-. The question is That can we deduct Rs. 80/- (already paid). Now Net ST payable would be Rs. 20/- or other percent of service tax input is available 3) What is the rate of interest for Service tax if not paid on time. Pls help me out asap
0 Answers ABB, Chartered Accountant,