How tax deduction at source is deducted
Igave a cheque of Rs 25000/- to a Professional. Do I deduct TDS on Rs 25000/, then after three months I further pay the same Professional Rs 40000/-.Have I to pay Tds on 25000 Or Rs 65000/- or only Rs 40000/-,Have I to pay interest on delayed payment for Rs 25000/-?
what is the income tax-meaning,rates for 2008-09,procedure,when income tax is filling,form of all income tax heads,complete information about income tax?
should pranav mukherjee has done things good, by giving burden to vodafone a huge tax will not affect our fdi???
What is the VAT on Gold?
the vendor is supplying us printing application forms including material and he add 5% vat is there any chance to deduct tds
What diffrance between 1st stage,2nd stage and 3rd stage dealer in excise.? Explain.!
1. what is the last date for payment of tds for the month of March? 2.Will the due date differs for each assessment years? if so what is due date for payment of tds for March Month for the Assessment year 2008-09?
WHERE I NEED TO FILE CST PAYMENT? Can i file along with vat returns? what is the due date for every month?
In an E1 trasaction, if the dealer fails to get the E1form from his supplier& submit it to the Sales Tax Authority, then how much will be the expected penalty from Sales Tax department, if the local tax of those item is 14.5%? Please Note: Dealer has submitted all other documents to sales tax including customer Cform expect E1 form. Kindly give us the valuable answer with the supporting CST circular number.
Whether TDS to be deducted before service tax or not?
how to calculate tds on professional fees, salary and services
Ir we have bill for CST 2% we made entry 12.5% by mistake then what is solutin for C-form