What are good characteristics of good combustion in a boiler?
what is accilaration
for under water excavation works, can i have some standard codes and specifications(international)
Where can you find thermometers in diesel engines?
i just wanted to ask that what should one do to clear all the concepts a mechanical engineer needs to have cleared,this not only includes the concepts of each and every semester of his engineering course, but also the basic laws and fundamentals of physics(that required for Mechanical engineering).I am a third year mechanical engineering student and i am very keen to know about the above question. somebody please help me.
Hello sir, I am Rajaram. I have finished DME (Diploma in Mechanical Engineering). I would like to attend BHEL supervisor examination. So i want which type of questions can i prepare. & give previous supervisor examinations questions. Reply my mail (rajaramsptc@gmail.com)
what is E.S.P
how many units a split ac 1.5t 5 star will consume in 15 min.
Which instrument has all the features of try-square, bevel protractor, rule and scriber?
What is the cause of pressure drop in a centrifugal
Dear sir, I have applied section engineer post at rrb Chennai.Please send me the previous technical question papers and answers
What is the difference between projectile motion and a rocket motion?
what is the reasson after complitation of suction stroke and started comperation stroke inlet valve open for few digrees