What is pessimistic concurrency?
Do you know what is openxml in sql server?
How to stop log file growing too big?
How many types of schemas are there?
When columns are added to existing tables, what do they initially contain?
Describe triggers features and limitations?
i want to create procedure for create table in sql server 2005 for example create procedure create_table @table varchar(20) as create @table( id int, name char(20) ) but it will get error what is solution?
How display code or Text of Stored Procedure using Sql query in Sql Server ?
What is the fastest way to permanently delete a 1 million row table named customers?
What is the difference between function and stored procedure in sql server?
Explain mixed authentication mode of sql server?
How to create hyperlink from returned sql query ?
How to get a list of columns in a view using the "sp_help" stored procedure?