where the object repository is located?how to choose the object repository as shared or action object repositories?
4 8921wt is the difference between global and action excel database in qtp?for example one action is calling another action the second action is using action excell sheet?if it is using global sheet what makes the difference?
2 14202Who is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces? 1 Prime Minister 2 Defense Minister 3 President 4 Chief of the Army Staff
22 87216Hi,I am new to software testing. My question is, What can be the possible test cases one can write for a chair
6 1012252.write a “Hello World” program in “c” without using a semicolon? 53.Give a method to count the number of ones in a 32 bit number? 54.write a program that print itself even if the source file is deleted? 55.Given an unsigned integer, find if the number is power of 2?
25 58275i applied prompt on country when i run report it shows list of all countries but want it to show only four countries name
1854Please any on explain usage of "on error resume next","On error goto 0" with sample code....Thankyou......... when a tester is asked to execute 100 scripts in a short time..(the server will be down in another 10 min)..how he has to run those scripts?
2 9994Post New Datamatics Interview Questions
How does sap s/4hana relate to sap simple finance powered by sap hana?
Can I install magento on windows?
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How you can get a list of all the table constraints in a database?
What is the need of MapReduce?
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Give full information about infrared technology, like applications, advantages, disadvantages?
What is exact difference between the panel earthing and system earthing in DCS system. What is the value of resistence.
Enlist the various relationships of database.
How do u calculate Schedule variance? What is the formula? Explain with Example
I am working on QTP, got struck in one place.. In my application depending upon configuration WebEdit count is increasing/ decreasing.. how to get these webedits..