can test automation improve test effectiveness?
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I need your help in the below topic using QTP Automation tool. How to automate the right click of mouse on a context menu? 1)Tried low level recording which is working fine but making use of co-ordinates. 2) Also tried changing the mouse settings and properties using Tools ->WebEvent RecordingConfiguration and created a configuration file with required mouse click events and used which did not work.
I want to capture data(using keyword) from msdos application using QTP?... Below is little work i could do on it... /* Set app=CreateObject("") ("C:\Users\Agent\Desktop\pumpsim\PUMPSIM.EXE") Window(“PUMPSIM.EXE”).Activate wait(3) app.sendkeys "N" */ Thanks in advance...!!!
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9 Answers Accenture, Yana Software,
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