difference btwn channel and carrier in telecom?
What is a full-adder?
What are the advantages of igbt over bjt, mosfet?
Explain how to convert a binary number into bcd number directly and vice-versa, without converting it into any other number system?
How many types of Transmission cards are in Ultra BTS?
I am a Electronics Communications Engineer.Please send us the important interview questions and answers.
What are the characteristics of an ideal op-amp.
what is the value of TEI ist T1?
What is modulation? And where it is utilized?
Loop check when we do ???before solo run test or dis two activities not related .plz explain me
What can be the reasons of a Call drop?
pls what type of questions asked in interview of appsc polytechnic govt lecturers mail to kram.thulasi@gmail.com
Explain the various components used in creating digital circuits?